
【請假休退學相關規定】Regulations regarding students taking leaves, deferring or withdrawing from CTU

【請假休退學相關規定】Regulations regarding students taking leaves, deferring or withdrawing from CTU

  • 主辦單位:教務處
  1. 建國科技大學學則Chienkuo Technology University Regulations
  2. CTU相關規定
  3. 建國科技大學日間部教務處各式證明文件申請流程說明Guideline for applying for various certificates for CTU day school students
  4. 各項證明共用申請書Application Form for various certificates
  5. 休退學申請單Suspension or Dropout Application Form for CTU Day School Students
  6. 休退學家長同意書CTU Day School Students’ Parents Agreement for Suspension or Dropout
  7. 輔系申請書Application form of Minor program for CTU students
  8. 轉系申請書Application Form for Transferring to another Department for CTU Day school students
  9. 委託書Certificate of Entrustment
  10. 學分抵免辦法The Rules of Credits Waiver and Transference for CTU Students
  11. 學分抵免申請書Application Form of Credits Waiver & Transference for CTU Day School Students and Transferring Students
  12. 其他


【請假相關規定】The Rules of Taking Leaves for CTU Students

  • 主辦單位:學生事務處
  1. 請假規則The Rules of Taking Leaves for CTU Students
  2. 課業請假單Application form of Leaves
  3. 學生假單Official Leave Application Form for CTU Day School Students
  4. 缺曠課更正申請表Application Form of Correcting the Record of Absence
  5. 學生獎懲建議表Proposition of Rewards and Punishments for CTU Students
  6. 學生事務各項證明申請Application form for day school students