The Ministry of Education approved the new Department of Tourism in our 1+4 course enrollment department from autumn semester 2023
錄取通知Admission notification
- 2023春季國際專修部華語先修銜接重點產業系所錄取通知書已通過email寄發,請注意查收email
The admission notice has been sent by email, please check your email
- 2022秋季國際專修部華語先修銜接重點產業系所錄取通知書已通過email寄發,請注意查收email
The admission notice has been sent by email, please check your email
教育部111年7月12日 臺教技(四)字第1112302190L號函
| 中文Chinese | 英文ENGLISH | 越南文Vietnamese | 緬甸文Burmese |
| 印尼文Indonesian | 蒙古Mongolian | 韓文Kroean | 日文Japan |
建國科技大學 Chienkuo Technology University 國際專修部【1+4方案】華語課程先修課程 INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION PROGRAM
Admission Date: Fall semester / Spring Semester
Objects: Foreign students who meet the university entrance qualifications
Department of Admissions:
Taking preparatory Mandarin courses in the first year (pass A2 before the end of the first year), the second year to the fifth year: enter the key industrial department.
國際專修部1+4年學費收費標準 tuition fee standard charge of the "1+4 Years Program", International Foundation Program
聯絡email: oia-register@ctu.edu.tw / leave messages TEL: +886-47116392 / +886-47111111ext.1724~1728 |
Department of Admissions:
第一年華語先修 (第一年結束前通過A2) ,第二年至第五年: 進入正式重點產業系所 學士:4 至 6 年 Bachelor’s degree: 4 years. A further extension is no more than 2 years. |
- 113學年度國際專修部招生系所
學院College Viện |
國際專修部華語先修課程招生系所 International Foundation Program, 1+4years Preparatory Mandarin Course Hệ 1+4 |
核定招生名額 Admission Quota Chỉ tiêu tuyển sinh |
外國學生 Sinh viên nước ngoài |
僑生 Sinh viên Hoa kiều |
工程學院College of Engineering Học viện kỹ thuật |
機械工程系 Department of Mechanical Engineering Khoa cơ khí |
120人 sinh viên |
30人 sinh viên |
電機工程系 Department of Electrical Engineering Khoa điện cơ |
電子工程系 Department of Electronic Engineering Khoa điện tử |
土木工程系 Department of Civil Engineering Khoa xây dựng |
生活科技學院 College of Living Technology Học viện khoa học đời sống |
觀光系 Department of Tourism Khoa du lịch |
聯絡E-mail: oia-register@ctu.edu.tw / leave messages
TEL:+886-47116392 / +886-47111111ext.1724~1728 |