The Office of International Affairs (OIA) is charged with promoting the internationalization of higher education and helping ChienKuo University become a more global institution. We aim to foster partnerships with foreign universities and develop student exchange agreements, faculty exchange agreements, and other forms of academic collaboration with universities all over the world.
OIA assists ChienKuo students who wish to study abroad and serves as the main liaison for foreign students who enroll at ChienKuo as exchange students or dual degree students.
1.2 各項國際合作事宜之聯繫、協調、與執行
1.3 兩岸學術交流與合作事宜之聯繫、協調、與執行
1.4 本校教師及學生之國外進修、交換、及遊學事宜
1.5 留學輔導與資訊之提供
1.6 外籍生及僑生之諮詢與輔導
1.7 協助辦理外籍生課程規劃及協調
1.8 主(協)辦本校國際學術研討會議
1.9 代表本校出席國際會議
1.10 國外貴賓之接待事宜
1.11 其他有關國際及兩岸學術交流事務
In order to implement our mission and contribute to the increasing importance of international studies, OIA has established three divisions, as listed below.
1. The International Affairs
2. The China, HongKong, and Macao
3. The General International Affairs