


  • 來台就學的外國學生,入境時需要出示有效之居留簽證或停留簽證,預計在台居留六個月以上的國際學生則必須申請外僑居留證。
  • 若您持有免簽證國家護照來台,雖擁有合法居留台灣6個月權利,但預計停留6個月以上,國合處仍建議您申辦居留簽證。否則您在面臨在台灣申辦居留簽證的時候,會被迫要求離開台灣重新辦理一次來台就學簽證申請程序。
  • 符合申請居留簽證的外國學生,於來台前於母國的當地台灣駐外辦事處申辦學生居留簽證
  • 若符合申請學生居留簽證資格之學生以停留簽證入境,務必最晚在停留簽證到期前的八個工作天申辦。可向外交部領事局或其他中部、雲嘉南部、東部辦事出提出申請改辦居留簽證。
  • 無論您是持居留簽證入境臺灣,或是在中華民國境內獲改換發居留簽證者,請您務必於入境次日,或是居留簽證簽發日起15天內,向您居住地之內政部入出國及移民署各縣(市)服務站申請您的外僑居留證及重入國許可。Moreover, whether you have entered Taiwan with Resident Visa or obtained Resident Visa through visa change within Taiwan, please remember to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate and Re-entry Permit at your local office of Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency on the next day upon arrival or within 15 days of the issue of your resident visa.



For international students, the Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) serves as their temporary ID card which can prove your resident status in Taiwan. It is a very important document and we advise you to take good care of it and pay attention to its expiration date!

◆申請 Apply


  1. 簽證申請表:線上填表,列印出具有條碼之申請表,並簽名確認。
  2.  6個月內2吋彩色照片2張
  3. 護照正本及影本
  4. 健康檢查合格證明正本及影本1份:三個月內、由衛生福利部指定外籍人士體檢國內醫院或國外醫院出具之健康檢查合格證明(居留或定居健康檢查項目表),國外健檢證明須經中華民國駐外館處驗證。檢查項目體檢醫院請參照衛生福利部疾病管制署網站。
  5. 入學許可/通知或在學暨註冊證明、成績單正本及影本
  6. 最高學歷證件 (含畢業證書及成績單)正本及影本:中、英文以外之學歷證件應附中文或英文譯本(須經我國駐外館處驗證)
  7. 財力證明正本及影本(6個月經常性財力):限提供本人或三等親出具財力證明、匯款證明、獎學金證明(須載明受獎期限及額度)。
  8. 其他視個案要求提供之文件(來台目的證明、父母同意書、來台關係人保證書、語文能力證明等等...)


Required Documents:

  1. Application form: Go to website: https://visawebapp.boca.gov.tw.  Fill out the application form online and print it out.
  2. Two color passport-size photos
  3. Passport and one photocopy of the passport
  4. Original and one photocopy of health certificate:
    The health certificate should be issued within 3 months by one of the local hospitals designated by the Centers for Disease Control of  Ministry of Health and Welfare of the R.O.C. (Taiwan) or a foreign hospital.  Health certificates issued by foreign hospitals must be authenticated by an R.O.C. (Taiwan) overseas mission.
    Visit the website of the Centers for Disease Control at https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En for health checkup items and the list of designated local hospitals.
  5. Original and one photocopy of admission permit or record of enrollment, registration and transcripts
  6. Original and one photocopy of highest education diploma and transcripts: Must be authenticated by an R.O.C(Taiwan)overseas mission
  7. Original and one photocopy of proof of financial support
  8. Other supporting documents



  • 申請人如已持符合改換就學資格之停留簽證入境,得於停留期限屆滿至少8個工作天前檢具上列各項文件及簽證規費,向本局或中部、南部、東部、雲嘉南辦事處提出申請改辦居留簽證。

Application Procedure

  1. Applicants outside of the R.O.C. (Taiwan) who meet the requirements for students’ Resident Visa are advised to apply for the visa from an R.O.C. (Taiwan) overseas mission.
  2. Applicants who enter the R.O.C. (Taiwan) on a Visitor Visa which qualifies the applicants for Resident Visa application for the purpose of undertaking studies must apply for a Resident Visa 8 work days before the duration of stay expires.  Applicants may apply to the Bureau of Consular Affairs or any of its Central, Southwestern, Southern, or Eastern Taiwan Offices.

●工作天數Working days


Processing of Resident Visa application inside the R.O.C. (Taiwan) takes 8 work days.  Resident Visa applicants are advised to apply to the Bureau of Consular Affairs 8 work days before the duration of stay expires.



Please refer to "Standard Fees for Republic of China (Taiwan)

●其他注意事項 Other points for Attention

  1. 居留簽證入境或在中華民國境內獲改換發居留簽證者,應於入境次日或居留簽證簽發日起15天內,向居留地之內政部入出國及移民署各縣(市)服務站申請外僑居留證及重入國許可。
    Resident Visa holders (or ones who obtained Resident Visa within ROC by visa change) are required to apply for the Alien Resident Certificate and Re-entry Permit at the local office of the Ministry of Interior National Immigration Agency on the next day upon arrival or within 15 days of the issue of your resident visa.
  2. 持外僑居留證者,倘須在效期內出境並再入境,應申請外僑居留證時同時申請重入國許可。
    If Alien Resident Certificate holders need to leave and re-enter ROC within the valid period  of their ARC, they should apply for re-entry permits while applying for ARC.
  3. 外國學生於居留期限到期前1個月內得辦理延期;惟如於7、8、9月到期者,因遇暑假期間,得提前至6月1日起辦理延期。
    International students have to apply for ARC extension one month earlier than the expired   date. If the ARC expires during the summer vacation (from July to September), students are allowed to apply for extension from the 1st of June.
  4. 未於居留期限內辦理延期者,主管機關得廢止當事人居留資格,並限令出國。
    For over-staying foreigners who did not apply for ARC extension, their residence will be ceased by the authorized agency, and they may be expelled from Taiwan.
  5. 外僑居留證遺失或因故污損申請換發者,須繳納換證費用新臺幣500元。
    Applicants requesting ARC renewal due to the loss or damage of their ARC must pay NTD 500 for the renewal process.




宣導海報: -中文- | -英文-


地址:中華民國內政部移民署 彰化縣服務站
各地服務站:星期一至星期五 08:00-17:00,中午不休息

For more details, please contact the National Immigration Agency
E-mail: boi@immigration.gov.tw
Website: http://www.immigration.gov.tw//immig_eng/aspcode/main4.asp
Address:  No.15, Guangjhou St., Jhong Jheng District, Taipei City
Business Hours: Taipei Office:   Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00
            Branch Office in Changhua:   Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00
TEL: (04)727-0001
Customer Service Hotline:  (02)2796-7162 "Taipei"
