113學年度外國學生學雜費收費標準表(Application Prospectus for International Students)

 Tuition and Fees Standard
2024Fall – 2025 Spring Semester
本校學雜費、學分費及住宿費每學年依規定調整,以下僅供參考。Tuition and fees, credit fees and housing expenses may be adjusted every year. Information below is for your reference only.
匯率估算 1(美金)30(新台幣)USD 1 = TWD30 
A學雜費 Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees
碩士班Graduate /大學部Undergraduate
大學部/研究所Undergraduate /Graduate School 學費明細 Payment Detail (NTD per semester)
學院 College A BOther Expenses Total
Tuition & Miscellaneous Fee Insurance Other charge Accommodation Fees(4-bed room)
新生 工程類 $54,220 $3,000 $3,660 $13,450 $74,125
Freshman Engineering 【獎助減免53% ~4,956 Optional ~76,081
1st to 2nd semester 非工程類 $47,256 $3,000 $3,660 $13,450 $67,161
  Non-Engineering 【獎助減免47% ~4,956 Optional ~69,117
舊生 工程類 $54,220 $4,956 $2,710 Optional $61,431
From 3rd semester Engineering
  非工程類 $47,256 $4,956 $2,710 Optional $54,467
Ø Accommodation Fees:
Admitted undergraduate and graduate students may obtain a room shared with 4 or 6 students.
The dormitory fees are about TWD13,450 for 4-bed room and TWD9,100 for 6-bed room per semester.
Ø Living Cost:
Basic cost of living is about NT$7,000 to NT$9,000 (approx. US$ 260~333 per month.)
Ø Free airport pickup provided for first arrival in Taiwan.
Note:The actual situation is announced after the approval of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan
【B】代辦費收費項目 Other Expenses
費用Rate / per Semester 金額NTD 美金USD
醫療保險Medical Insurance/ 全民健保National Health Insurance (continually stay in Taiwan more than 6 months) 3,000/4,956 100/165.2
平安保險費 (每年議價)Student Insurance 630 21
電腦與網路通信費Computer Internship & Internet User Fee 1080 36
健康檢查費Freshman Health examination(Option) 950 32
居留證ARC 1,000 33.3
住宿學生宿舍每生每學期Accommodation Fees: NT$9,100~13,450
校園內宿舍有4人或6人房,宿舍費用每學期新台幣收費:Admitted undergraduate and graduate students may obtain a room shared with 4 or 6 students. The dormitory expense are about TWD13,450 for 4-bed rooms and TWD9,100 for 6-bed rooms per semester.
Type/per semester 新台幣 美金 宿舍
In option 四人房4-bed room 13,450 448.3 實際收費標準依學生所在宿舍狀況不同而定。
六人房6-bed room 9,100 303.3 The rates are determined by various dorm.
Note1: International Student Health Insurance (If students do not have their own coverage for the first six months)è NTD3,000/per semester (per month NTD500, If students do not have their own coverage for the first six months)
Note2: National Health Insurance (starting from the sixth month of the enrollment) è NT$4,956/per semester (NT$ 826/ per month)